
Become a HAPI member

We welcome prospective organizations that:

  • Operate a standing after-school program focused on school-aged students 
  • Enroll & retain students who actively engage in reading and math, if applicable 
  • Use learning software as a measurement system and share performance metrics 

Membership Benefits

Training & technical support 

Peer to peer sharing & networking 

Real time reporting & benchmarking

  • Student Licenses 
  • Onboarding for learning software
  • Training for After-School Program
  • Technical Support 
  • Peer-to-Peer Sharing 
  • Real Time Reporting 
  • Benchmarking with Peers, State and National

Training and Technical Assistance

After-School Program Training 
  • Clear vision, mission and purpose
  • Program enrollment 
  • Assessing needs and assets
  • Marketing of After-School Program 
  • Program planning
  • Managing program staff and Volunteers 
  • Standard operating procedures
  • Cultivating and retaining community and school partnerships 
  • Hiring quality staff
  • Reporting and program evaluation 
Software Program Training 
  • Preparing your staff for use of software
  • Using reports to attract investors and investments 
  • Promising practices for administering initial diagnostics 
  • Celebrating small and big successes
  • Using real-time report dashboards – benchmarking 
  • Student engagement passing lesson rates & student chats  
  • Quality vs quantity – deepening outcomes in real time 
  • Annual surveys – why and how 


  • Enrollments & retention of students 
  • Reading & math levels by site, organization, and grade 
  • Use of language arts software as measured by time and diagnostics 
  • Number of lessons used and passing rates 
  • Student demographics 
  • Collection of student, staff, and parent surveys to measure perception changes 
  • Comparison of data with peers at a local, state, and national level 
  • Review monthly metrics as an organization and a cohort to assess what is working and what may need attention, and take actions to increase the likelihood of increasing reading improvements 
  • Share promising and best practices as well as lessons learned with peers in the network 
  • Participate in capacity-building training sessions on after-school programming and software 

Membership Levels


  • Access to Peer-to-Peer Exchanges
  • Access to After-school Program – webinars on creating a high-quality after-school program


  • Access to Peer-to-Peer Exchanges
  • Access to After-school Program – webinars on creating a high-quality after-school program
  • Share common metrics to benchmark with other similar organizations


  • Access to Peer-to-Peer Exchanges
  • Access to After-school Program – webinars on creating a high-quality after-school program
  • Access evidence-based language arts and math online software and pricing
  • Students are eligible for personalized online instructions
  • Is included in annual survey, data analysis, and reporting
  • Participate in competitive health awards for staff
  • Is eligible for a limited number of printed materials

Contact us about membership